19/03/2019 Couche de dust ? Gros mode sur AERONET-
31/03/2019 - Pollution aux particules depuis plusieurs jour
05/04/2019 Couche à 3-4 km
13/04/2019 Transport, probablement en provenance du sud, car Archacon, OHP, présence de valeur AOD fortes, le 11/12/13/14 en remontant vers le Nord- Origine ?
22/04/2019 Probably Dust layer between 3-4.5 km, with approximatey 0.2 AOD.
22/04/2019 Dust event over all France
23/04/2019 Dust event continues
24/04/2019 Dust
04/06/2019 Aerosol layers by night seen up to 12 km. Seen starting with 3 June night
03/06/2019 Transported aerosol layers at high altitude
31/08/2019 Always stratospheric layers over Lille but, in the early morning another low altitude layer, ranging between 1 and 3 km high, then, it becomes a bit cloudy AOD has been x 2 within couple of hours, with increase of AE
22/09/2019 First rain for a long time !!!
23/09/2019 > 8 L/m2)n ! 8 mm (
24/09/2019 Rain 14 mm (14 L/m2)
26/09/2019 pour mémoire : Incendie Lubrizol (Rouen)
03/12/2019 Layer at 13 km