21/02/2018 Il semble y avoir un pb sur le haute couche de 00h ) à 8h de fréquence laser.
28/02/2018 probleme sur le données- Bande à 3 km -
01/03/2018 Problème sur les données
21/04/2018 114 ug/m3 a 8h UTC (Fives)
21/04/2018 Episode de pollution
07/05/2018 Manip Dunkerque avec scans horizontaux CaPPA Mobile (Luc Ioana)
15/05/2018 High pollution event - PBL up to 2-2.5 km. AOD 0.7 at 15h UTC, 1.75 Angstrom Exp
26/05/2018 Dust layer between 2 and 4 km
26/06/2018 Transport entre 2 et 3 km
27/06/2018 Telescope probablement déréglé-
30/06/2018 Transported Layer
01/07/2018 Smoke layer originating from Saddleworth Moor fire, UK, started to be seen in the afternoon
02/07/2018 Smoke layer originating from Saddleworth Moor fire, UK
03/07/2018 Smoke layer still present in the atmosphere
08/07/2018 Transport at 8 km
14/07/2018 1.40 à 465 nm, AE o 4 km AOD Haute-Saone
19/07/2018 Couches aerosols en altitude, entre 2 et 6 km
29/07/2018 Lidar tombé par terre. Pas de données après 15h30 TU
30/07/2018 Lidar remis à la verticale. Données après 13h TU
07/08/2018 Very likely dust intrusion over lille
18/08/2018 Layers in altitude up to 6 km, seen after 20hUTC, well separated from the PBL
21/08/2018 Layer at around 4 km, seen starting with 20 August
22/08/2018 Couches en altitude jusqu'a 10 km et plus!!
23/08/2018 Aerosols still present in the atmosphere up to 8 km
25/08/2018 High altitude layers over Lille still present!
28/08/2018 Smoke layers still visible above PBL
29/08/2018 Still some smoke layers in the morning then heavy rain, washing out the atmosphere
30/08/2018 Smoke layers up to 10 km in the morning
01/09/2018 Smoke layers in altitude. Seen really good in Lilas data
02/09/2018 Remaining smoke layers Temperature du radiatiateur augmentée le 01/09 à 22h30 heures locale (20h30 UTC)
09/09/2018 Switch ON of CE376 - Welcome to METIS 532P-808 nm