22/06/2016 22 soirée- présence de couches- hors nuages alpha élevée => aérosols
23/06/2016 possibles aerosols layers (2) at 2 and 3 km alpha high (no cloud contamination)
24/06/2016 Layer between 2.5 and 3 km
14/07/2016 Layer at 2 km
20/07/2016 Couche de dust. Détectée Toulouse. Par MF Voir aussi système mobile ce jour
23/07/2016 Double extra layer around 2 km. Alpha is large.
22/07/2016 Layer pu to 3km, on thé evening but cloud layer above
19/08/2016 A layer between 1 and 2 km, well separated from the boundary layer is present over Lille site since 16/08/2016 evening. The AOD has increased, AE values shows that the atmosphere contains predominantly fine particles. AERONET parameters show that fine mode is increasing with the arrival of this new layer. MODIS observations (accesible on NASA Worldview) show that AOD values are increasing over the Atlantic Ocean and over the french and english coast and also over the N of France region. MODIS shows important fires and smoke imerging from Portugal-Spain region: http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=88552 Smoke aerosols are visible over the ocean several days after 11 august 2016. Hysplit backtrajectories show transport over the ocean but do not conclude on the exact source.
16/08/2016 Start of smoke transport event Possible source: Portugal fires
17/08/2016 Layer of fine particles between 1 and 2 km Possible source: Portugal fires
18/08/2016 Layer of fine particles between 1 and 2 km Possible source: Portugal fires
26/08/2016 Période Caniculaire dans la région.
Alerte pollution atmo-
plusieurs couches
AOD de 0.36 à 532 nm, alpha proche de 1.55, à 60 km au Sud de Lille (source Calitoo # 185).
07/09/2016 Light Fog visible at 5h30 UTC
08/09/2016 Couche de dust (probable d'après les modèles) et LILAS (depolar) La CaPPA mobile est sorties vers Dunkerque Le FTIR a fonctionné également